Environ launches the book „Baterel and Amy Teach You” – a guide for waste collection and recycling
- 17 iunie, 2021
- Posted by: Roxana Puia
- Category: Știri

Environ Association launched on Saturday, 5th of June, 2021, with the occasion of the International Environment Day, the book „Baterel and Amy teach you”, a guide on selective waste collection and recycling addressed primarily to children, but which contains useful information for parents and teachers.
The book is structured in 12 chapters that address topics such as the history of recycling, the classification of recyclable and non-recyclable waste and details on how to collect separately in correct way, how often waste can be recycled and in what can be transformed after recycling, practical exercices, as well as a series of recommendations for those interested in deepening their knowledge for a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.
“ In the last 14 years, ecological education has been a key pillar in the activity of Environ. Of the hundreds of campaigns and awareness actions we have organized, only one thing has not changed: our constant investment in projects dedicated to environmental education of the young generation ” said Roxana Puia, marketing director of Environ.
A special chapter in the book is dedicated to recycling around the world, a topic that underlies the new season of the online series „2 minutes with Amy”. On the Baterel Eroul Reciclarii YouTube channel, Amy invites the little ones on an imaginary journey to all continents trying to find out what interesting things people from other parts of the world recycle: from the Paraguayan orchestra playing to instruments made out of waste, young people from France that turn chewing gum into skateboard wheels and up to the Japanese village where the inhabitants sort the waste into 45 categories.
,, We live in times when young people and children in general are very present online, they spend a lot of time on social platforms, many of them being real specialists in social media and we must adapt so that our message reaches them. In these 10 new episodes of the 2 Minutes with Amy, we try to turn technology into our ally in the fight for eco-education and talk about recycling in the most attractive way possible, ” said Ana Maria Rădulescu (Amy), project manager.
The book „Baterel and Amy teaches you” was written by the Environ Team and will be available free of charge to schools participating in the Baterel ecological education campaign.