Our services

Based on a taking over the responsibility contract, ENVIRON offers to the affiliated producers, the following environmental compliance services:
- Support in preparing the documentation in order to register in the Register of Producers from ANPM
- Complete WEEE management system (collection, transport, storage, treatment, recycling and non-polluting disposal) throughout the chain from generator to recycler
- Specialized consultancy and regular information on legislative developments
- Logistic support
- Reporting to the environmental authorities
- Specialized IT architecture
- Equipped with personalized collection infrastructure
- Free collection of WEEE
- Planning and conducting information and awareness campaigns
The tariffs charged by ENVIRON are approved by the Authorization Commission and are published and updated periodically on the page environ.ro/en/rates
What are the EEE (electrical and electronic equipment) and and the WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment)?
Electrical equipment is any type of electrical or electronic product that operates on the basis of electricity or battery. Electric waste is the product that has reached the end of its life cycle.
According to GEO no. 5/2015, there are 6 major categories of EEE, respectively WEEE, and ENVIRON holds the operating license for the following six categories:
Category no. 1

Heat transfer equipment (CFC)
Category no. 2

Large screens, monitors and equipment containing screens larger than 100 cm2 (CRT & LCD)
Category no. 4

Large Equipment (LDA)
Category no. 5

Small Equipment (SDA)
Category no. 6

Information and telecommunications equipment (IT&C)