How to recycle?

Around 50 million tonnes of electrical waste are generated annually in the world, of which only 20% is collected and recycled, which means that around 40 million tonnes of hazardous waste is stored, incinerated or traded illegally and treated improperly.
Electrical waste contains a lot of recoverable and valuable resources, such as plastics, gold, copper, aluminum and iron. At the same time, they contain hazardous substances such as lead, chromium, mercury, flame retardants and chemicals (eg beryllium) that can be harmful to water, air and soil.
WEEE recycling ensures the reduction of the negative impact on the environment and human health, favoring the saving of limited natural resources and raw materials.
All electrical and electronic waste equipment collected by ENVIRON through partners is treated by certified operators and audited annually at European level.
The electrical and electronic equipment waste collected is properly treated and processed in Romania, and those categories or components for which there are no facilities or technologies in Romania are transferred to other European countries for proper treatment.
Traceability, high performance, quality assurance and recycling standards have been regularly audited through the European WEEELABEX certification system.
ENVIRON meets annually the minimum objectives regarding the capitalization provided in art. 27 and Annex no. 9 to GEO no. 5/2015