tons of WEEE
and recycled
national points
for collection
mobile apps
for recycling
ENVIRON holds the operating license no. 3 / 23.03.2023 valid until 23.03.2026 for the management of the equipment categories no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 according to Annex no. 4 to GEO no. / 2015.
Based on a transfer of responsibility contract, ENVIRON takes over the legal obligations of the producers of electrical and electronic equipment in order to meet the minimum annual rates of collection and recycling of electrical and electronic equipment waste (WEEE).
Throughout the contract, ENVIRON provides support and advice on environmental obligations, reports to the National Environmental Protection Agency and the Administration of the Environmental Fund.
As a collective organization licensed by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, ENVIRON ensures through its partners, authorized economic operators, the stability and traceability of WEEE management processes: collection, transport, storage, treatment, recycling and non-polluting disposal, with access to new technologies that allows the collection of waste to be at European quality standards in the field of recycling.
ENVIRON holds the certifications ISO 9001: 2008 on the quality management system, ISO 14001: 2005 on the environmental management system and ISO 27001: 2005 on information security.
ISO 9001:2008
ISO 14001:2005
ISO 27001:2005

Since 2014, ENVIRON has been a member of the WEEE Forum, a pan-European organization that brings together 40 responsability transfer systems, providing an opportunity to be continuously updated of policies at European level, as well as examples of good practice from other Member States.
Key factors leading to ENVIRON succes
Transparent collaboration with producers, operators and with the environmental authorities
An efficient on-demand waste collection system
An accessible and easy to use collection points network
High expertise in awareness activities and CSR programs
Recycle together with ENVIRON!

This symbol indicates that the WEEE must be collected separately and it is strictly forbidden to be thrown away
Sustainability Policy
Our entire activity is based on creating a better future, leaving behind a clean and healthy environment. We do this with responsibility for actual and future generations, improving a responsible WEEE management system, but also by implementing informational and educational projects, campaigns for children and adults.
Sustainability is in our DNA. We aim to follow and promote good sustainability practices, reduce the environmental impact of our activities, and help our colleagues, clients and partners to do the same.
Our Sustainability Policy is based upon the following principles:
Resources efficiency
As organizers or partners in certain campaigns or events, we encourage the selective collection and we say no to any materials with single-use like balloons, flyers or posters. We keep the same good practices at our workplace.
Sustainable campaigns & events
All awareness campaigns and programs organized by ENVIRON are made with the responsibility to all the details – our giveaways and prizes give eco-friendly alternatives like reusable bags or bottles. We work with local suppliers and do our best to choose recyclable products or products with recycled content. Using creativity and reusing materials is part of our job.
Lasting materials
By 2021 we replace our cardboard collection containers with recyclable and lasting materials containers.
Operators with the same principles
All electrical and electronic waste equipment collected by ENVIRON through partners is treated by certified operators and audited annually at the European level.
Emission reductions
Because our work means collecting and transporting e-waste to operators,
our logistic department plans the most efficient routes and works to reduce emissions.
Meanwhile, we avoid physically traveling to meetings where alternatives are available and practical, such as using teleconferencing. We encourage hybrid work and the use of public transportation or ride-sharing when physical presence is required.
Community impact
Beyond the awareness campaigns and programs organized by ENVIRON for a cleaner environment, a part of our efforts goes to other humanitarian projects. Each year, we are involved in supporting social causes, through donations, scholarships for high-performing students, or partnerships with other non-governmental organizations (Save the children) because we truly believe responsibility also means solidarity.